A Progressive Alamedan

Various writings from a resident of Alameda regarding the political scene. The local perspective of local, state and national politics and a few other odds and ends of local concern. May not be particularly interesting to people outside of the Alameda area.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

"All is quiet on New Year's Day" (U2)

Happy New Year all. It's been pretty quiet around here in the political world, where most energy seems to be centered around Iowa, with the caucuses only a couple of days away. I had entertained the idea of going out there to help John Edwards, but I decided my time would be better used at home, and I'd rather donate the amount of my transportation and accommodations to the campaign than to spend the money on airlines, hotel, and car rental.

You may have noticed some Edwards signs popping up around town. If you are a John Edwards backer and would like a lawn sign (or window sign), drop me a line. (See the tag line at the top of this website for contact info). I also have some bumper stickers, shirts, and probably more.

If you're undecided, come to the Alameda Democratic Club's meeting on January 9, (7 PM at the Alameda Hospital) for a presidential forum. You'll be hearing representatives from the campaigns talk and answer your questions. I'll be there, of course...

On an unrelated note: Did you hear about Don Perata being carjacked?


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